Finding Inner Peace, LLC - Owner and Founder
Maureen Spencer, RN, M.Ed., E-RYT500, Reiki Master/Teacher

Maureen Spencer, M.Ed., R.N. is the Founder of Finding Inner Peace, LLC - a non-profit organization. She is dedicated to providing professional, quality education and services in complementary therapies. She is committed to both the scientific world of medicine and the field of complementary and integrative medicine. She is recognized as an E-RYT500 - Advanced Registered Yoga Teacher - with the National Yoga Alliance. Maureen completed yoga studies with the American Yoga College, International Yoga Studies, Integrative Yoga Therapy (advanced level) and Meridian Hatha Yoga Therapy.
Reiki and Energy Healing
In 1993 Maureen learned Reiki - and worked on her younger sister who was diagnosed with stage 4 adenocarcinoma. Her sister was advised by her surgeon that she would only have 2 months to live - yet with weekly Reiki sessions she survived 2 years. It was that experience that convinced Maureen of the power of universal life force and unconditional love. In 1995 she initiated a private practice after completing training in Therapeutic Touch, Quantum Touch, Ear Candling, Magnified Healing and Reiki Master/Teacher. In 1997 she became certified in Vibroacoustic Sound Healing and completed training as a Clinical Aromatherapist in 2003.
Maureen Spencer, RN has trained thousands in this ancient healing art of Reiki. She initiated a Mind-Body Medicine Group at Mass General Hospital in 1993, offering monthly educational sessions for staff. She taught Reiki at MGH in 1995 and other integrative medicine lectures. In 1997 Maureen attended a meeting of the Board of Registration in Nursing and assisted in the development of the Massachusetts Board of Nursing Advisory Ruling on Complementary Therapies.
From 1994-1998 Maureen was the host of two Harron Cable TV shows 1) Mind-Body Yoga 2) Complementary Therapies to educate the public on natural approaches to healing and health.
After closing her yoga studio in 2003 to return to infection control nursing Maureen convinced the Chief Nursing Officer to start a Reiki Training Program for integration into orthopedic care. The progrm was a huge success and she trained hundreds of nurses, physicians, physical therapists and community-wide members. The hospital showcased her work in their edition of "Innovations" which highlights the unique qualities of this hospital in providing pain management and exquisite patient care.
From 2005-2010 Maureen taught nurses, physicians and therapists Reiki Energy Healing at the New England Baptist Hospital, Boston, MA. She was a founding member of the hospital's Council on Integrative Medicine and developed a Reiki policy for the Patient Care Services.
Her class schedule is posted at
Hatha Yoga Teacher
Maureen started practicing yoga when she was 15 yrs old in Boston. By the time she was 17 in nursing school - she started teaching her nursing school classmates yoga. Her yoga teaching career continued and she taught yoga to the community at Carney Hospital, Dorchester, MA, then to employees at the Veterans Administration Medical Center, West Roxbury, and to employees at Massachusetts General Hospital. She worked at all these hospitals as the Director of the Infection Prevention Program - her professional nursing career.
After being laid off in a corporate downsizing at Massachusetts General Hospital during the Partners Healthcare merger - she left infection control and opened a yoga studio in Abington, MA. The studio was opened for 7 years (1997 - 2003) and she started the Finding Inner Peace Yoga Teacher Certification and trained hundreds of yoga teachers. Maureen is recognized by the National Yoga Alliance as an E-RYT500. In 1997 she participated in the first meeting at the Kripalu Yoga Center, Lenox, MA to start the first steps in forming the Yoga Alliance and helped draft the first 200hr yoga standards.
In 2010 she developed the Finding Inner Peace Yoga School 350+ page curriculum manual to share her knowledge and expertise in certifying yoga teachers. The 350+ page curriculum manual is easy to follow with instructional lesson plans to teach qualified yoga teachers. It includes a WORD file for editing, a copy of the manual in a PDF for immediate printing, a file with 95 yoga cards for teaching asana and many business forms for setting up a program.
Cymatron Sound Table - Healing with Vibroacoustic Therapy
Maureen started working with the "DreamWeaver" Vibroacoustic sound mat in 1997 after training with Benedick Howard, Sacred Scientist. In 2002 she developed a modification of the DreamWeaver - using a sound table and called it the Cymatron - after the field of science of wave forms and oscillations called Cymatics. She has trained 30 practitioners who offer private healing sessions in this cutting edge healing modality. Maureen has given over 10,000 private sessions and has many "miracles" in her practice. While reclining on the sound table the music vibrates cells and tissues, which helps release toxins, stagnation and structural constrictions. The doedecahedron (copper structure) around the body actually expands the energy in the aura, freeing quantum particles that are part of our subtle energy system. Foreign to western medicine, sacred geometric structures, temples, churches and homes are common in eastern cultures. They knew there was a positive effect on the mind and body when under or within these structures. In July 2008 Maureen and Christine Heffernan, RN were filmed by the popular Boston evening magazine show - Chronicle - on the Cymatron Sound Table, showing two of her clients who benefited from sessions with Maureen. Visit
Reiki and Energy Healing
In 1993 Maureen learned Reiki - and worked on her younger sister who was diagnosed with stage 4 adenocarcinoma. Her sister was advised by her surgeon that she would only have 2 months to live - yet with weekly Reiki sessions she survived 2 years. It was that experience that convinced Maureen of the power of universal life force and unconditional love. In 1995 she initiated a private practice after completing training in Therapeutic Touch, Quantum Touch, Ear Candling, Magnified Healing and Reiki Master/Teacher. In 1997 she became certified in Vibroacoustic Sound Healing and completed training as a Clinical Aromatherapist in 2003.
Maureen Spencer, RN has trained thousands in this ancient healing art of Reiki. She initiated a Mind-Body Medicine Group at Mass General Hospital in 1993, offering monthly educational sessions for staff. She taught Reiki at MGH in 1995 and other integrative medicine lectures. In 1997 Maureen attended a meeting of the Board of Registration in Nursing and assisted in the development of the Massachusetts Board of Nursing Advisory Ruling on Complementary Therapies.
From 1994-1998 Maureen was the host of two Harron Cable TV shows 1) Mind-Body Yoga 2) Complementary Therapies to educate the public on natural approaches to healing and health.
After closing her yoga studio in 2003 to return to infection control nursing Maureen convinced the Chief Nursing Officer to start a Reiki Training Program for integration into orthopedic care. The progrm was a huge success and she trained hundreds of nurses, physicians, physical therapists and community-wide members. The hospital showcased her work in their edition of "Innovations" which highlights the unique qualities of this hospital in providing pain management and exquisite patient care.
From 2005-2010 Maureen taught nurses, physicians and therapists Reiki Energy Healing at the New England Baptist Hospital, Boston, MA. She was a founding member of the hospital's Council on Integrative Medicine and developed a Reiki policy for the Patient Care Services.
Her class schedule is posted at
Hatha Yoga Teacher
Maureen started practicing yoga when she was 15 yrs old in Boston. By the time she was 17 in nursing school - she started teaching her nursing school classmates yoga. Her yoga teaching career continued and she taught yoga to the community at Carney Hospital, Dorchester, MA, then to employees at the Veterans Administration Medical Center, West Roxbury, and to employees at Massachusetts General Hospital. She worked at all these hospitals as the Director of the Infection Prevention Program - her professional nursing career.
After being laid off in a corporate downsizing at Massachusetts General Hospital during the Partners Healthcare merger - she left infection control and opened a yoga studio in Abington, MA. The studio was opened for 7 years (1997 - 2003) and she started the Finding Inner Peace Yoga Teacher Certification and trained hundreds of yoga teachers. Maureen is recognized by the National Yoga Alliance as an E-RYT500. In 1997 she participated in the first meeting at the Kripalu Yoga Center, Lenox, MA to start the first steps in forming the Yoga Alliance and helped draft the first 200hr yoga standards.
In 2010 she developed the Finding Inner Peace Yoga School 350+ page curriculum manual to share her knowledge and expertise in certifying yoga teachers. The 350+ page curriculum manual is easy to follow with instructional lesson plans to teach qualified yoga teachers. It includes a WORD file for editing, a copy of the manual in a PDF for immediate printing, a file with 95 yoga cards for teaching asana and many business forms for setting up a program.
Cymatron Sound Table - Healing with Vibroacoustic Therapy
Maureen started working with the "DreamWeaver" Vibroacoustic sound mat in 1997 after training with Benedick Howard, Sacred Scientist. In 2002 she developed a modification of the DreamWeaver - using a sound table and called it the Cymatron - after the field of science of wave forms and oscillations called Cymatics. She has trained 30 practitioners who offer private healing sessions in this cutting edge healing modality. Maureen has given over 10,000 private sessions and has many "miracles" in her practice. While reclining on the sound table the music vibrates cells and tissues, which helps release toxins, stagnation and structural constrictions. The doedecahedron (copper structure) around the body actually expands the energy in the aura, freeing quantum particles that are part of our subtle energy system. Foreign to western medicine, sacred geometric structures, temples, churches and homes are common in eastern cultures. They knew there was a positive effect on the mind and body when under or within these structures. In July 2008 Maureen and Christine Heffernan, RN were filmed by the popular Boston evening magazine show - Chronicle - on the Cymatron Sound Table, showing two of her clients who benefited from sessions with Maureen. Visit